That a new recommendation 2.3 be inserted to replace the existing one and the text as struck through in 2.1 and 2.3 be deleted shown in bold italics below.


2.1    That the Committee notes that the Pan Sussex Partnership is undertaking a needs assessment, as required by the MHCLG funding, which will gather data and identify gaps in service provision. There will be a future report to this committee as to how the funding will be spent in Brighton & Hove.


2.2    That the Committee agrees to spend a portion of the MHCLG funding to develop an extra resource in Brighton & Hove City Council to support the development of policy, and the commissioning and oversight of services in relation to domestic violence and domestic abuse. This resource would amount to approximately £25,000 until the end of March 22.


2.3    That the Committee notes the carry forward of separate MHCLG funding from the 2020/21 financial year to Rise, to cover the continued MHCLG project funding for first two quarters of 2021/22. A further report with options on continuation of this funding, will come to committee, following the required MHCLG needs assessment exercise.


2.3    That officers produce a report back to an urgent TECC sub-committee as soon as the needs assessment has been completed in July with the following information:


i) That on completion of the needs assessment, and after consultation with relevant cross-party Members, that officers provide options for  members to discuss and decide on how the remaining, approximately £581,000, MHCLG funding will be spent in Brighton & Hove.


ii) That the Committee notes the carry forward of £99,962 separate MHCLG funding from the 2020/21 financial year to Rise, to cover the continued MHCLG project funding for first two quarters of 2021/22, and that the further report as detailed above in 2.3i) will also detail the options on continuation of this funding , following the required MHCLG needs assessment exercise.

Proposed by: Cllr Simson                                     Seconded by: Cllr Grimshaw

                                                                                                             Cllr Powell



Recommendations to read if carried:

2.1     That the Committee notes that the Pan Sussex Partnership is undertaking a needs assessment, as required by the MHCLG funding, which will gather data and identify gaps in service provision.


2.2    That the Committee agrees to spend a portion of the MHCLG funding to develop an extra resource in Brighton & Hove City Council to support the development of policy, and the commissioning and oversight of services in relation to domestic violence and domestic abuse. This resource would amount to approximately £25,000 until the end of March 22.


2.3    That officers produce a report back to an urgent TECC sub-committee as soon as the needs assessment has been completed in July with the following information:


i)     That on completion of the needs assessment, and after consultation with relevant cross-party Members, that officers provide options for  members to discuss and decide on how the remaining, approximately £581,000, MHCLG funding will be spent in Brighton & Hove.


ii)    That the Committee notes the carry forward of £99,962 separate MHCLG funding from the 2020/21 financial year to Rise, to cover the continued MHCLG project funding for first two quarters of 2021/22, and that the further report as detailed above in 2.3i) will also detail the options on continuation of this funding , following the required MHCLG needs assessment exercise.